Knowledge Centre

How do I introduce my own branding?

One question is easy, one question is tough. In general, the introduction of your own branding onto software is pretty straightforward. Most will allow this to happen without too much fuss. On the flip side, getting your own branding added to content (where IP is so tightly controlled) is a lot tougher.

Ask any vendor of a Portal or an LMS and the addition of your branding will be possible. Adding it to a Portal can often attract a small fee, whereas with an LMS it will be part of the ‘out of the box’ solution. Typically, you can skin the system up in your colours and logo. You can also go further and create your own unique URL and so on.

In terms of adding your logo or branding to 3rd party content, you’ll find this a lot harder. Off-the-shelf content providers serve up their content either with their own branding proudly visible or dish out white label (so at least when it appears in your own LMS it will look like your own stuff). Unless you go down the bespoke route and ask for some custom content, it is very unlikely you can brand the content itself.

How can Mi Crow help?

We offer a couple of different ways to consume our content.  You can access our courses via our hosted Portal (which we call the Nest).  If you take out a subscription via this route, we can brand your portal with your logo (making it feel a lot more like home).

Alternatively, you can put our content on to your LMS.  We allow you to upload our files to your LMS.  Doing it this way, means that you’re in complete control of your branding and it’s already part of your solution.

As indicated above, unfortunately we don’t allow any branding to be added to our IP.  However, bespoke content could always be a possible solution for you.  Going down this path means you’re in complete control of the content and you own all the intellectual property.


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